Farm Fresh Produce in Park Rapids, Minnesota 
Farm Fresh Produce
July 20, 2024 — We are done for the 2024 season — asparagus, rhubarb, and strawberries are “hibernating” until next spring. We’ll update this page as we get closer to the 2025 season.
When we have produce, it is available for purchase at The Red Barn in Park Rapids (16338 Co 107). The Red Barn is open Monday through Saturday, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. We will also be at the Park Rapids Farmers’ Market (across from Thielen Motors) on Saturdays and the Walker Farmers’ Market (by Green Scene) on Thursdays. Check out our strawberry page for more information. If you would like to order pre-picked 10# flats of strawberries, please call our phone number listed above (or message us on our Facebook page) and leave a message with a good contact number and the amount of flats you’d like. We cannot guarantee flats on specific dates but do fill on a first-ordered basis.
Love the quality, taste, and nutrition of farm fresh produce from Carter’s Red Wagon Farm in Park Rapids? Look for asparagus, rhubarb, and plenty of strawberries this coming year! You can often find our produce on the menu at Necce’s Ristorante in downtown Park Rapids and Table for 7, and amazing farm to table restaurant in downtown Bemidji.
Changes to our operations
“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens….a time to plant, and a time to uproot….” (Ecclesiastes 3:2)
We’ve had some major changes happening at Carter’s Red Wagon Farm. Due to several mitigating factors, we have decided to drastically cut back on the crops we are growing (asparagus, rhubarb, and strawberries are the only crops we are growing now) and the activities we will be doing at the farm (u-pick strawberries only). Tony’s brother Dwight plans to grow tomatoes and other crops this year. For more information on Dwight’s operation, visit his website at
We have also sold our Market on Highway 34 in Park Rapids. It is now called The Red Barn — and we are very pleased that the new owners have asked to continue carrying our produce.
While you will be able to continue purchasing the produce we grow at The Red Barn (and we greatly encourage you to do so!), we will also be at the Park Rapids Area Farmer’s Market, the Walker Farmer’s Market, and we will continue u-pick strawberries at the Farm.
We also want to be clear that this is NOT a decision made because of the impacts of Covid-19 or the resulting mandates. It is something we’ve been praying about for some time, and God clearly closed several doors over the past few months while graciously opening other doors for us. It’s been a time of mixed emotions, but we are thankful we’ll still be able to provide some of our home-grown produce for you!
Thank you for you patronage over the years at Carter’s Red Wagon Farm Market.
Pick-Your-Own Strawberries
Our strawberry season is done for 2024 — keep watching our website or facebook page in spring of 2025 as we start preparing for next season.
Just wait till you taste our sweet, red strawberries! Carter’s strawberries are probably our most anticipated crop and many people can’t wait to pick straight from the patch! Well, don’t worry, we encourage it! Head out to our strawberry patch and pick-your-own farm fresh berries! We also carry ready-picked strawberries at The Red Barn in Park Rapids for your convenience as well as at the Park Rapids Farmers’ Market on Saturdays from 9:00 – 1:00 and the Walker Farmers’ Market on Thursdays from 9:00 – 2:00. You can also pre-order ready-picked 10# flats by leaving a voice mail or sending us a message on Facebook. We fill those orders on a first-come basis when available and cannot guarantee specific dates, although we try our best.
We anticipate being open Monday thru Saturday from 7:00 a.m. to noon once u-pick opens unless we need to close for weather or because we are picked out early. We are always closed on Sundays. Please call our voicemail at 218-732-4979 before coming out or check our Facebook page (which will have the most up to date information).